2)Bulky weaves: There's just something about bulky weaves that spells - tacky and errr lady of easy virtue. Now we love our weaves just as much as the next person but when there's about 6 bundles worth of waist-length weave on one head then it's definitely time to tone things down.
3)Camel toes: Quite a few Nigerian celebrities were guilty of this last year and while we'll be kind enough not to mention names we won't mince words in saying - camel toes are a NO-NO. Keep things classy ladies.
4)Waist trainers: We hear your gasp at this ladies, but its a new year. If you want a banging body, then work for it. Out with the pretence this year. Moreover, waist trainers aren't exactly the healthiest things in the world as they hold vital organs in place for hours on end and prevent proper circulation. Now what other incentive do you need to give them up and work for a better body instead