Photos Of Hillary Clinton supporters weeping as Donald Trump's fans chant 'lock her up'!

Donald Trump might be the next United States president very soon.Here are photos of his opponent's fans all in a sour mood, tears while Donald Trump's supporters are energized by their underdog gaining ground. Dailymail reports that at the Clinton 'party' in the Jacob K Javits Center in Manhattan, picked for its purposeful glass ceiling, Clinton's senior aides were nowhere to be seen. Mid-level staffers were dejectedly sipping coffee and Red Bull as the atmosphere went from confident to depressed, and a late-stage attempt to liven the mood with 'Let's Get Loud' was doomed to failure.

Meanwhile, Trump supporters at an invite-only event at the New York Hilton - two miles and a world away - found themselves whipped up into roaring frenzies of cheers, hugs and chants of 'lock her up.'

See all the pics below.

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