Its no longer a gist, that these two rappers aint cool pals at all.50cent recently filed a lawsuit against Rickross claiming he leaked his own ex-girlfriends sex tape. recently TMZ carried a report, 50 is suing Ross with
claims that Ross was the one who uploaded his ex-girlfriend's sex tape
to the internet, which has since gained millions of views.
claims that Ross and his team were actually the ones who uploaded the
tape, and he simply shared it once it was up, thus, 50 is pushing for
Ross to have to cover the majority of the damages and fees if he loses
his own case to Leviston.
Rozay's ex and baby
mama, Leviston sued 50 for uploading the sex tape and causing her
emotional damage to the point where she thought about suicide.
commentsThese two guys are like cat and rat am i sure is not another publicity stunt