Style is something you can switch any given time,Monday to thursday are days we take extremely seriously,especially the working class ladies or you have a couple of appointments to catch up.Looking good aint expensive,fashion aint expensive,you can always pick up your old clothe and turn it it something everyone would love.It has happened to me several times and i end up remaking them for friends and people i run into.
Thursday is really cool because you know you have just one day left to look official,yes why try to fall out of style,put it back in place.Most times people look good and glowing to work Monday to Wednesday and they get tired Thursday to Friday,its not suppose to be that way .Thursdays to me are days to flaunt some simplicity with a creative touch just to hit the right spot.Thursdays should always come with a surprise look,don't get tired,you don't need to buy all the clothes in the world to look good,sometimes we buy clothes we don't need nothing is a waste try to recycle it into something else.NOTE*You don't need to be wealthy to look stylish so you have to look for those old clothes and always make sure you turn them into a new one(creatively),Thursdays should go with a stylish,fab,flawless look.
Thursday is really cool because you know you have just one day left to look official,yes why try to fall out of style,put it back in place.Most times people look good and glowing to work Monday to Wednesday and they get tired Thursday to Friday,its not suppose to be that way .Thursdays to me are days to flaunt some simplicity with a creative touch just to hit the right spot.Thursdays should always come with a surprise look,don't get tired,you don't need to buy all the clothes in the world to look good,sometimes we buy clothes we don't need nothing is a waste try to recycle it into something else.NOTE*You don't need to be wealthy to look stylish so you have to look for those old clothes and always make sure you turn them into a new one(creatively),Thursdays should go with a stylish,fab,flawless look.
commentsNice one..
ReplyHave also experienced it Thursdays always have a kind of feeling and the part you talked about recycling is true and it helps alot. But when your trying to do something you don't really know it's hard.Am personally suggesting if you could have a DIY video you can upload here for us to watch and learn...Nice Job fashionburst 2016 is already a good year.