Kanye West's Yeezy Season 4 show may have been slammed as being a
disaster, but he insists his fashion collaboration with Adidas is one of
the 'top four trendsetting brands'.Speaking to W magazine,he said
Think of how it is now – [Yeezy] is one of the leading trendsetting brands now; like top four trendsetting brands,''And, and that's with little to no support on the apparel side. Meaning, I went and did a deal with Adidas and I basically still had to do the apparel in LA and build my own atelier and get consultants and build a team.' So I refuse people who write me off as some rich kid taking a hobby, fashion as a f*****g hobby or a fashion plate.'

Kanye explained that his critics accuse him of putting himself on the
'same level' as other designers when they know very little about him as
an artist.

According to Kanye, he's the fashion industry's version of one of Santa Claus'
www.fashion9jaburst.blogspot.com is ready to team up with many of our style enthusiasts, fashionistas and glamorous beauties. We are rebranding our site with much contents and as we all know we have not been running the Outfit Of The Day,Most Stylish Person Of The Week, etc.And not forgetting we are also calling on make up artists To Take Part in our upcomming articles My beautiful bride which you as a makeup artist get to share your experience and process of making a bride beautiful ...
From today September 14 2016 we are accepting photos from anyone who believes he or she has a style or a beauty to share with the rest of the world—-people who believe they can inspire others with their sense of style and set trend should E-mail us not less than 5 photos of themselves, showcasing their style.Email fashionburst50@gmail.com for more information and enquiries call 08135304373
'No one, um – very few people even knew that I have a f****g Ph.D. in art, you know?' he said. 'And not that that would even make the difference, but me saying that makes the difference to the exact people I'm talking to it's, like, shut the f**k up.
'I will f*****g laser you with alien f*****g eyes and explode your f*****g head. Shut the f**k up – try to write a rap. Okay then. I made this f*****g T-shirt, now shut up. And it cost me everything I had and I gave everything I had.'

According to Kanye, he's the fashion industry's version of one of Santa Claus'
'Play this s**t back in 10 years – I build things that mean things to people,' he said. 'I make the Christmas presents; number one requested Christmas present of 2015 Christmas, going into 2016, the f****g Yeezy.'I'm saying that to this date they do not understand who I am, 'They will not understand until after I'm gone. I am misunderstood and there is no one in fashion that's on my side.'On his definition of success
You know what's my definition of success?' Kanye added. 'Being able to be 39 years old, a black male, and articulate myself in this way and back it up.
'My definition of success is dropping a Charlie Sheen-level tweet and being like, "I am in debt and f**k you." Now what?'
www.fashion9jaburst.blogspot.com is ready to team up with many of our style enthusiasts, fashionistas and glamorous beauties. We are rebranding our site with much contents and as we all know we have not been running the Outfit Of The Day,Most Stylish Person Of The Week, etc.And not forgetting we are also calling on make up artists To Take Part in our upcomming articles My beautiful bride which you as a makeup artist get to share your experience and process of making a bride beautiful ...
From today September 14 2016 we are accepting photos from anyone who believes he or she has a style or a beauty to share with the rest of the world—-people who believe they can inspire others with their sense of style and set trend should E-mail us not less than 5 photos of themselves, showcasing their style.Email fashionburst50@gmail.com for more information and enquiries call 08135304373